

Signature Spritz!

RLRalph Lauren Big Pony Fragrance Collection for Men & Women
$70 for a 3.4oz./100 ml bottle (Women) or $67.50 for a 4.2oz./125 ml bottle (Men), Available exclusively at

Happy Friday Lovelies! It’s time to get personal this gift-giving season. These yummy fragrances come in “Create Your Own” customizable bottles! Choose from 4 unique scents to compliment that special someones personality. With a 10-character limit you can engrave a unique message, name or simple monogram on these fun, colorful glass bottles! Spritz away!

I’m giving away a non-customized fragrance to one lucky reader!
Just follow the deets below to enter!

1. Leave a comment telling me why you want to win!
2. Follow NYCPretty & Ralph Lauren on Twitter & Tweet: #Friday #FREEBIES @NYCPretty@RalphLauren
3. Subscribe to follow my blog (if you haven’t already).
4. “Like” NYCPretty‘s Facebook page.

A lucky winner will be chosen at random on SUNDAY night.
Good luck lovelies!


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  1. Natalie at 10:05 pm Reply

    Ralph Lauren is such a signature classic you can’t go wrong with when looking for the perfect fragrance for someone who is a little unsure what to try. Would love to gift (or get) one!

  2. Jessie at 9:13 pm Reply

    ohh i loove Ralph Lauren! I have never tried their perfumes though and would love a new one for the holiday season! tweeting and crossing fingers!!

  3. Erica Reitan at 7:44 pm Reply

    I love these fragrances and would love to win! Thanks for the great giveaway! Everything’s done 🙂 xoxo

  4. Casey at 1:34 pm Reply

    I rarely buy new perfume, so of course am ready to try a new scent! I’ve only heard wonderful things about Ralph Lauren’s scents and would love some new smell good for the holidays 🙂

    <3 Casey

  5. ladyboarder9669 at 12:41 pm Reply

    this looks awesome! done the required and tweeted 🙂 @ladyboarder9669

  6. Lynn at 12:37 pm Reply

    These are my daughters favorite scents! I would love to win for her as she is a staving student!

  7. Tiffany Kaminski at 12:33 pm Reply

    Would love to give one to my mom for Christmas 🙂 She has all these perfumes that smell too flowery…but these would be awesome for her and my allergies 😉 ha Her favorite color is purple, so the options are perfect! Already a follower of Ralph Lauren on Twitter 🙂

  8. Sarrah Ahmed at 12:17 pm Reply

    Going to NY for Christmas and New Year’s, and this would be great to try on over there! (Also owe my cousin a sweet 16 present =) )
    Following you on Twitter and liked your FB page =)

  9. amyorvin at 9:53 am Reply

    I’d love to win because I love Ralph Lauren fragrances. This would be nice to add to my collection.
    Thank you for the Fab giveaway:)

    Following both. Twitter name:@amyorvin
    Facebook follower: Amy Orvin
    Subscribed to blog as