You GUYS!! I’ve discovered my favorite new gadget! Check this out!
As you know, I’m SUPER conscious when it comes to keeping my world virus and bacteria free. ESPECIALLY NOW!

So when this chic little SoClean disinfecting device came my way, I was sold! It kills 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on personal items in 5,10, and 20-minute cycles! So all my fave items like my sunnies to my cell phone can get the attention they need when it comes to killing viruses. Just drop your items in the chamber, close the lid and let it work its magic automatically! It’s simple, effective and it puts my mind at ease knowing I’m doing all that I can to keep my items virus and bacteria free when I walk into my house at the end of the day!
Oh, and it also Includes a USB port for charging other electronic devices too!
I keep mine in my kitchen so it’s right there when I walk in and it reminds me to disinfect whenever I can! Not like I need reminding, but it helps lol!

It couldn’t come at a more perfect time for gift giving season to share with someone you love! And we are sharing an exclusive discount! Save $150 now plus get an extra 5% off with code NYCPRETTY at checkout.
Viruses be gone!